Feature in Slobodna Dalmacija

My first appearance in the Croatian media: a Slobodna Dalmacija feature/interview from 11 February 2011. Parts of the feature have also been picked up by several Bosnian portals (Otvoreno.ba, Raiffstyleclub.ba, Futura.ba, Cafe.ba) and Serbian newspaper websites (Kurir, Svet Plus), mainly focusing on my discussions of Severina’s impact on ideas about cultural identity in Croatia. (However, I ought to point out that the comment beginning ‘Kad je Hari sreo Seli’ that appears under my name in some of the summaries should be attributed to the Slobodna Dalmacija journalist Damir Pilić and not to me.)

Since my work on Severina is what’s caused the most interest in the region, please let me refer readers to the article mentioned in the Slobodna Dalmacija feature, ‘When Seve Met Bregović: Folklore, Turbofolk and the Boundaries of Croatian Musical Identity’ (Nationalities Papers, 36:4 (2008), 741-64; now free to download in PDF format from the eprints repository at Southampton).

If I hear of any other features derived from the original Slobodna Dalmacija piece, I’ll add them here (e.g. I know the feature was summarised in the BiH newspaper Dnevni avaz in a press round-up section that doesn’t seem to be online).